时间:2014-02-09 编辑整理:早检测网 来源:早检测网
这篇1974年(距今恰好40年整)发表于JOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS (SSCI收录期刊)的牛文为何有资本被称为史上最牛的论文?我想就不用我多啰嗦了,直接上图,有图有真相。另外,弱弱的问一下科学网理工专业的博主们,在您读过的自己本专业的论文中,见到过这类的牛文吗?
I have studied this manuscript very carefully with lemon juice and X-rays and have not detected a single flaw in either design or writing style. I suggest it be published without revision. Clearly it is the most concise manuscript I have ever seen-yet it contains sufficient detail to allow other investigators to replicate Dr. Upper's failure. In comparison with the other manuscripts I get from you containing all that complicated detail, this one was a pleasure to examine.
Surely we can find a place for this paper in the Journal-perhaps on the edge of a blank page.
“我仔仔细细地审阅了这篇论文,连柠檬汁和X 射线都用上了,也没找到实验设计或写作风格上的任何瑕疵。我建议,此文无需修改,直接发表。很明显,这绝对是我读过的最为简明扼要的论文,而它又包含了足够的细节使得其他研究人员能够轻而易举地重复阿普尔博士的失败结果。跟你们编辑扔给我的其他那些又臭又长的论文比起来,审阅这篇论文真是美好的享受。再说了,我们肯定能在杂志里找到发表这篇论文的地方—比如一张空白页的边缘?”
如果有学心理学的解释一下何为"WRITER'S BLOCK"就更好了,下面是来自wiki的关于"WRITER'S BLOCK"的部分解释(恕不再翻译)。
Writer's block is a condition, associated with writing as a profession, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition varies widely in intensity. It can be trivial, a temporary difficulty in dealing withthe task at hand. At the other extreme, some "blocked" writers have been unable to work for years on end, and some have even abandoned their careers.It can manifest as the affected writer viewing their work as inferior or unsuitable, when in fact it could be the opposite.
维基百科中文解释:脑闭塞(英语:Writer's block)是从事写作行业所遇到的状况,如编剧、作家等,它会让作者完全无法创作新的作品,起因有许多种,可能是很细小的,可能是无法徒手创作的生理上的问题。有些遇到这个状况的作家会经历一年无法创作的日子,最严重的甚至转行。虽然脑闭塞得起源不可考,但历史上曾遭遇过这种状况的名人有作家弗朗西斯·史考特·费兹杰罗、漫画家查尔斯·舒兹。
另:论文作者Dennis Upper就职于美国麻萨诸塞州的一家退伍军人医院(属于美国联邦退伍军人服务部下属的VA医院系统)。